Opera Mom


“A Gesture on the Poem’s Behalf” – Part 2

In September of 2015, I sat at a post show dinner with Matthew Buckman, General Director of Fresno Grand Opera and Townsend Opera. He and I have had a wonderful working relationship since the first show I did with him, The Merry Widow in 2009. We have similar...

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“A Gesture on the Poem’s Behalf” – Part 1

"A Gesture on the Poem's Behalf" is a class that composer Ricky Ian Gordon teaches for composers of Art Song . It highlights his process and inspiration for composing, the text. Composers in the class are asked to pick a poem, memorize it and recite it to the rest of...

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Home for Christmas

This is the first time in a few years that I've been home to truly prepare for the Christmas season. I realized, I didn't feel like decorating, wrapping presents and I never feel like shopping. I needed to be home to play games, cook, listen to and sing music, dance...

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The Last Few Years

The last few years I have been lucky enough to have an extremely busy concert season, but well spaced so I had time to think, percolate, interpret....Ahhh....time to think... That was not so much the case to begin this season and I had to call upon my skills as an...

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Happy Fall

The first week of school is always tricky as the bodies and brains get back in to a strict routine. This year, however, was a big transition year in our house. I have a middle schooler in a new school. (Actually, she was in TWO new schools in the first five days!) I...

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Who Am I?

Who am I? This is a question that I am sure all of us have asked at one point, or at several pivotal points in life. For me, it’s something that glares at me when I am doing a show away from home, because my role/roles in my home life are many. Lunch maker, car pool...

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the BLOG




Debunking The Great Assumption

Debunking The Great Assumption

I’m walking into and deliberately with great intention making large life changes. I’m slowly taking and making fewer performing opportunities in order to step into my true life’s work, guiding people’s healing and self safety through vocal practice. After a two hour...

Who ya gonna call?

Who ya gonna call?

I am introspective by nature, but since the pandemic have been even more so. Who am I? I sing, but I am not just a singer/actor/educator. How do I wanna show up for people? What inspires me? Am I listening to “The Calling”? Am I even quiet enough to be able to hear...