Opera Mom


“I am a creative, Bean!”

“I am a creative, Bean!”

This is going to sound ridiculous, but it’s the honest truth, January 1, 2022 was the first day I acknowledged that I was, and am, a creative being. What?!???? Yup. The picture above is something I drew in the Spark File New Year Creativity Kick Off workshop while...

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Dear Resistance….

Dear Resistance….

As I share more of my writing and this wild idea of a one woman show about me begins to take baby steps toward a shape, a focus and a purpose, my deep-seated resistance comes up. My mind wants to wander. My stomach churns at the thought of writing and I find...

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Morning Magic!

Morning Magic!

Magic! The wonder of life. My soul needs to remain connected to that, regardless of the craziness happening in life, and the world. Two things I’ve learned about myself in intentionally fueling a wildly diverse career that shifts from one hat to the next quickly is:...

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Welcome back!

Welcome back!

Welcome to the revamped website! It was time for this space to reflect my life and creative shifts in the works. The photos alone are wildly more me, barefoot, out in nature in my gown. It feels right, no? I’m also excited to be blogging again and to share my new...

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Reflections on a month of Mahler: Re-entry

I'm back from a month away in the midwest singing concerts of Mahler Symphonies 2 and 4. What a month of absolute joy and now I'm back in the saddle in Sacramento! I've been receiving warm welcome home texts from friends, but there was one in particular grabbed my...

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“A Gesture of the Poem’s Behalf” – Part 5

Knowing ahead of time that certain performances will change your life is a bit daunting. Daunting because it can be difficult to remain present in the moment. Ego wants to take over and "make it perfect" or "prove I'm worth this amazing moment in time". These recitals...

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the BLOG




Don’t have time to meditate? Try this exercise!

The Art of Being Seen and Heard: The Awareness of YOU: Where do I start? Is this you?"I don't have time/patience to meditate!" Then keep reading! There's a lot of messaging in the news and social media about being in the present moment and “getting out of...

Tell me more about YOU!

Tell me more about YOU!

> The Art of Being Seen and Heard:No tell me more about YOU? >  “Oh wow tell me more!” “What was most surprising about that experience?” “That sounds really exciting! When did you decide to take that leap?” > Turns out, if you ask all the questions, everyone ELSE does...